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April 6, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 6, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Lighting Ordinance Procedure/Enforcement  
PRESENT: Kate Hall, Katie Ruoff and Paul Twomey   

The three came to have an open discussion with the Selectman regarding what plans the Board may have, if any, to put into place a procedure for new applicants coming before the Planning Board, to be made aware of the lighting ordinance, and existing businesses to be educated on the ordinance as well. How enforcement procedures were going to be handled was also discussed.  The Selectmen expressed the opinion that, as far as establishing guidelines or forms for applicants to file with their site plans or subdivisions, that was up to the Planning Board to develop. The need for final review of a business, before an occupancy permit was given was stated as a good preventive measure.

Kate, Katie and Paul have been researching what other towns have in place and have found some great resources on the Web for guidance and assistance.  They offered to work as a group to educate local businesses and are willing to address this issue with the Planning Board.  All agreed, for the benefit of the town, a process needs to be put in place.  

The Board discussed the town counsel’s desire to review the ordinance in its entirety, since he was not given the opportunity prior to voting.  It was agreed to send the ordinance to the attorney for his complete review and ask for clarifications as to what the town can or can not enforce, specifically to existing lighting.  

The Selectmen have currently been working on this particular issue with the Hess Station.  The Board is waiting for a response back from the Hess Corporation as to the exact amount of lighting currently on site.  The Board would like to go on site and measure the signage for themselves before steps are taken to begin assessing penalties.  

SUBJECT: Appointments- Non-Public Session

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert, at 8:50pm,  to enter in to non –public session under RSA 91-A:3,11(c)to discuss the candidates interviewed to fill vacancies on the Board of Adjustment, the Budget Committee, the Conservation  Commission and the Planning Board. All were in favor.      
Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to come out of non-public session at 9:30pm.  All were in favor.

Four appointments were granted.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to keep the minutes of the non-public session, non-public.  All were in favor.

The Selectmen reviewed the Road Agreement for Back Road, drafted by Selectman DeBold.  It was accepted with one correction.  Selectman MacClerry asked that the following statement be added; “the town assumes no liability for any work performed by the McKay’s and or any agents of while working within the town’s right of way.”  

The subject of the McKay’s impact fee waiver being rescinded was brought up for discussion again.  After reviewing RSA 675:12, the Selectmen would like clarification from town counsel if this pertains to all zoning.   

Selectman MacCleery presented a bid from Donovan Equipment, for the highway truck.  Mr. MacCleery did not have any problems obtaining this information from the salesman.  He asked the other Board members to review it.   

The minutes of March 30, 2004 were approved as written.   

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:55pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN _____________________________                                   4/13/04
Stephen MacCleery
Page two of two, April 6, 2004